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We, the members of the Animal Science Club of the University of Delaware, in order to promote interest in Animal Sciences, Animal Agriculture, and Pre-Veterinary Medicine by enhancing the fellowship between members, students, businesspersons, and faculty, do hereby ordain this, the constitution of its government.
Article I: Principals
Section I: Name. This organization shall be known as the Animal Science Club of the University of Delaware, an official collegiate chapter of the National Block and Bridle Club and the Pre-veterinary Medical Association. .
Section II: Purpose. The purpose of this club shall be:
l. To promote and provide educational opportunities for club members and
University students interested in the area of animal science and pre-veterinary medicine.
2. To provide more hands on experience with animals.
3. To promote animal agriculture in the livestock, dairy, poultry, and companion animals
4. To learn about career opportunities in the fields of animal science and pre-veterinary medicine.
Section III: This organization is and shall remain nonpolitical, nonpartisan, and nonprofit. At no time shall the revenues or funds on this club be used for the personal benefit of its members or others, except for those incentives pursuant with the club’s purposes set forth in Article I, Section II. These incentives shall be scholarships and awards for excellence.
Article II: Membership
Section I: Eligibility. This organization shall be open to University of Delaware students, professors, and instructors, and alumni interested in and not philosophically opposed to the purposes of this club. This organization shall not limit its membership to any race, religion, sex, nor is membership restricted to any specific majors or departments within the university.
• Members will be required to attend 75% of meetings, unless extenuating circumstances prohibit attendance (determined by officers).
• All club members shall be required to participate in at least one fundraising project and one community service activity per semester.
• Members must help the club for at least one shift during Ag Day (exceptions given on a case to case basis determined by the executive board.)
• Members will be required to serve on at least one committee per semester.
• Members will be required to submit one-time National Block and Bridle fee as well as annual dues to be paid in the fall or spring semester of academic year to be considered active status
Section II: Non-Discrimination Clause. The organization agrees to adhere to all policies and procedures of the University and all local, state, and federal laws. Members will become acquainted with policies and procedures in the Official student handbook and other policies and procedures provided by the University. This organization is a viable, mentioning organization, composed of at least six full time undergraduate students and we do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, age, religion, national origin, veteran, handicap status, or sexual orientation.
Section III: Active Member. Any student meeting the eligibility requirements in Article II, Section I, and are not delinquent, shall be recognized as a ñlll active member. An active member may vote, run for engage in activities pursuant to the purposes of this club and enjoy the privileges afforded them under this document. Only active members may attend National and Regional conferences.
Section IV: Non-representing Members. The following groups of people are allowed non-voting or representing membership: part time or graduate students, alumni, community and honorary members. These members are not allowed to vote, hold count towards the groups membership, nor have any influence upon decision making of the organization.
Section V: Meetings. General group meetings should be held a minimum of once a month per semester, and executive board meetings should also be held a minimum of once a month. In addition, the executive board is expected to meet with the advisor at least once a semester.
Section VI: Procedures for Decision Making. Look to the rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order to govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws or the special rules of order to this society.
Section VII: Quorum. The minimum number of members who have to be present at a meeting in order for business to be conducted/decisions to be made shall be 50% of the active members. This is a protection against the possibility that a small number of individuals within an organization might get together and make and act upon decisions without proper representation of its members. This applies for executive meetings as well as general meetings.
Section VIII: Dues. Dues shall be collected once an academic year all active members (fall or spring). Members can pay either by cash or a check made out to the organization. The policies, activities, and finances of the organization are subject to the control of the majority of its voting membership. If a member does not pay their dues,
then they are not considered an active member of the organization and are not eligible to receive the benefits given to active members.
Section Ix: Absence Policies. Undergraduate members who do not attend 75% of the meetings and/or do not attend the required service and fundraising events are liable to have voting privileges and/01' membership Status revoked. Exceptions to meeting attendance are determined by the executive board; circumstances would include class/job conflict, or medical leave from the university.
Section IIx: Policies and Procedures for Disciplining/Removing Members.
The following circumstances would require removing a member the organization:
• Taking part in actions that go against the mission of the group
• Disruptive or disrespectful behavior in meetings or towards other members
• Behavior during community events that reflect negatively on the organization
• Violations of the University of Delaware code of conduct
Article III: Offices and Elections
Section I: Officers. The officers of the club shall occupy the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and two historians. The club may designate additional elected positions. The active members of the club will vote all officers in. All terms of shall be one year. All officers must sit on a committee to oversee and assist said committee.
Section II: Eligibility for Office. All elected officers of this club must be full time matriculated undergraduate students and shall have and maintain a minimum of a 2.25 GPA, they must be an active member of the organization for at least one semester (including the semester that elections occur), and they must be able to attend regular meetings. Presidential candidates must have at least one semester of experience as an officer or as a committee head.
Section III: Nominations. Any active member may nominate another or themselves for office. Nominations occur at least one week prior to elections. At the time of elections, each nominee will be given 1-2 minutes to explain why they feel they are the best qualified for the position and how they plan to improve the organization
Section IV: Ballots. Votes are taken via secret ballot (show of hands) in which the advisor will count the votes. A majority of votes is required for a nominee to be elected. In the event of a tie, the two members will give a short Speech again stating why they are best qualified for the position. There will be one more vote; if there is still a tie after the vote, then only the executive board will vote ( all officers must vote).
Section V: New Officers. New officers shall be voted on at least two weeks prior to the end of classes spring semester. New officers shall assume the duties of their elected office the last scheduled meeting of the spring Semester. Training between the outgoing
and incoming boards must be completed before the end of the spring semester.
Section VI: Resignation. In case of resignation of any elected officer, a special election shall be called to that vacancy. In the event the president resigns, the vice president will take the office, and an election will be held to the of the vice president. The new officer will fill the position for the remainder of the term. As stated in Article III Section Il, nominees for the vacant position must be active members. Procedures for nomination and election will be the same as in Article II Sections III and IV.
Section VII: Impeachment. Any elected officer or committee chair found not deserving, may be impeached from office by a two thirds vote of the active members after his or her case has been brought before the club for initial review. The grounds and conditions for removal/discipline officers include the following:
• A notice of charges
• A right to a fair hearing
• The right to appeal
If the officer is removed, immediate nominations will occur; the rules and methods of Article III Sections III and IV apply to nomination and voting procedure.
Section VIII: Officer Transition. Elections should be held sometime in the last two weeks prior to the last day of classes in order to allow time for training of the new officers. Officers must be trained in the following:
• Introduction to Activities & Programs office and staff
• Review of policies and procedures
• The passage of important information
• Planning next year’s events
Section Ix: Description of Offices.
President. The duties of the president shall be to preside and organize all regular meetings, prepare meeting agendas, to call special meetings, to appoint committees and the Agriculture College Council (AgCC) club representative, and to enforce this Constitution and Bylaws. Also, the president is to establish and maintain public relations and ensure all club activities are approved, legal, and incorrupt. The President shall be responsible for the registration o fthe Registered Student Organization and all required paperwork for the continuation of the organization (including Start of the Year, Mid Year and End of the Year packets.) The President will receive all information from the Activities and Programs Office from an undisclosed email database, and is responsible for distributing information pertinent to this organization on a timely basis
Vice President. The duties of this officer are to preside in the absence of the president. The Vice-President will also serve the role of President if the president is absent, unable to serve the duties, or if the President resigns. It shall be his/her duty to act as Chair of'
the Ag Day Standing Committee, organize activities night and Newark Community Day, keep, update, and distribute committee packets at the start of each academic year, and make room reservations. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to periodically review the Constitution to be sure that the Constitution of the organization complies with the rules and regulations of the University.
Secretary. The secretary’s duties are to keep accurate records of all meetings (including electronic minutes), conduct club correspondence, including providing membership lists and other information to our national parent organizations. The secretary is also in charge of keeping track of attendance.
Treasurer. Duties shall be to collect all dues and receipts, keep an accurate inventory and sales record, handle all expenses and report to every meeting. Also, the treasurer should submit a yearly treasurer’s report. The treasurer is required to submit an annual budget in accordance with all regulations for Registered Student Organizations at the University of Delaware, and attend all required budget and treasurer Workshops. He/She shall serve as chair of the Standing Committee on Fundraising. The treasurer should also be responsible for requesting funds from the allocation board.
Historian (2). The historians are responsible for compiling an annual Scrapbook for competition at the National Bock and Bridle Meeting. 'Ibo historians shall assemble all memorabilia to preserve for a permanent record. They shall be responsible for taking pictures at all events. The historians are also responsible maintaining alumni mailing lists and compiling an annual alumni newsletter. They are responsible for maintenance of the club website.
Section Ix: Advisor. There must be one primary advisor who must be a full time faculty; no part time/salaried staff or graduate students may serve as advisor. The purpose of the advisor is to have another professional assist with guidance of the organization, developing leadership skills, and ideally should be familiar and agree with the objectives of the organization. The advisor shall be selected by the executive board. Duties of the advisor shall include the following:
• Attending meetings and events
• Offering advice
• Serving as a liaison between the organization and the Block and Bridle
• officers, as well as with the University
The organization has the right to change their primary advisor at any time. In addition to the primary advisor there may be as many secondary advisors as deemed necessary by the organization.
Article IV: Committees
Section I: Committee Chairperson. Committee Chairpersons Shall be voted upon in the manner outlined in Article III Section IV at the beginning of each academic year, or at the beginning of the spring semester for special circumstances. If there are no volunteers for a committee, the President shall appoint a chairperson. In the event a committee is formed, the members of that committee shall agree upon the
Chairperson. There shall only be one Chairperson per committee. Chairpersons are responsible for filling out activity reports for each activity that they are responsible. The Chairperson of each committee must attend regular meetings and is responsible for holding committee meetings during business meetings designated for committees, making ñnal decisions for the committee and is in charge of any activities within the committee. Committee Chairpersons must report to the club and the conclusion of committee meetings.
Section II: Standing Committees
Social Committee. Committee duties include planning social events which promote fellowship among members
Fundraising Committee. Committee duties are to design and run fundraising activities for the club. There must be a minimum of one event planned per semester. The Treasurer shall serve as Chair of this Committee.
Membership and Recruitment Committee. This committee is responsible for activities designed to attract new members. The Vice President shall sit on this committee.
Livestock Committee. This committee is responsible for organizing and planning all livestock activities. The livestock committee should arrange for at least one guest speaker per semester.
Pre-vet Committee. This committee is responsible for organizing and planning all pre- vet, companion animal, and exotic animal activities. The pre-vet committee should arrange for at least one guest speaker or event per semester.
Community Service Committee. This committee is responsible for planning all community service events. There must be a minimum of one event planned per semester.
Ag Day Committee. This committee will convene only in the spring semester and is responsible for coordinating all Ag Day activities for the club. The Vice President shall serve as Chair for this committee and the committee will be made up of all other committees.
Article V: Disbursal of Organization Assets Should the Group Become Defunct.
The University of Delaware Shall inherit the assets of any Registered Student Organization should the group become defunct.
Article VI: Amendments
Section I: Bylaws. Bylaws may be adapted to this constitution; however, they cannot in any manner or intent change the original purposes of this constitution or club. Bylaws
and amendments to the bylaws must be approved by a majority vote of active members at a designated regular meeting.
Section II: Amendments to the Articles. The articles of this constitution may be amended by the following procedure:
l. The proposed amendments must originate and be brought before the executive
2. The proposed amendment must be read and discussed at two regular meetings
3. After which, the proposed amendment may be approved by a vote of
two-thirds of the active members at that meeting
Section III: Rules for Ratifying the Constitution. Approval of changes to the constitution requires a simple majority vote of all active members and approval by the Activities and Programs Office.
Constitution and Bylaws
Mission Statement
The purpose of Animal Science Club at the University of Delaware, a Block and Bridle Affiliate, is to promote the improvement of and increase the interest among students in Animal Science and to bring about closer relationships among men and women who have an interest in animals or are pursuing some aspect of Animal Science as a profession.